He fell in love with drums as a child while watching the rocks greats on VHS. He went through countless bands, eventually having two left. He fell in love with TRX on the Internet some time ago, now he can’t e”t enouh of his :set of plates”. Which cymbal does Peter like best? What dream piece of gear did he get and doesn’t use it in the end? Read in the interview.
How did you get into the drumming?
When I was about three years old, I watched videos of KISS, Ozzy Osbourne, etc. on VHS. I really liked how a drummers have a lot of things around them, so I said to myself that I also want to be a drummer and that’s where it all started.
How long did it take you start drumming for Allan Mikušek and what was before that?
If I count from my first concert, it’s been 8 years. I had my first concert in a school band, we were called Status Euphoria. When it ended, I played in The Downhill, followed by Beans & Bullets, in which I still play, and in addition to that, I also played in groups such as MindStorm, Metropolis and NoControl.
In which bands do you still play?
As I mentioned, apart from Allan Mikušek, I play in the band Beans & Bullets, in which I actually played before I played with him.
How did you learn about TRX cymbals?
I have known about TRX cymbals for a long time, they practically became known to me via the internet, as I used to be up at night so I researched them on the world wide web.
What you enjoy about TRX cymbals?
I just enjoy looking at them. 😀 Due to the fact that it is a relatively young brand, they do not lag behind the competition in terms of quality. When I first played them, it was very difficult to choose a favorite. But DRK 21 “Ride or ICE Lightning Crash, it’s a pure joy to play.
Why did you reach for the series of TRX, MDM, ICE and DRK?
I was looking for something that would sound great together, something that would be universal but not conventional at the same time. I wanted me to have cymbals that could be used in the bands I play in, but let the resulting sound be a little more interesting. With the hi-hat, I went for sure for the MDM 14″ hi-hat it’s simply applicable to everything. DRK 21“ Ride surprised me a lot, I didn’t expect to decide it for her myself, but when I played it, the body of the cymbal played beautifully and the bell stood out wonderfully, so the sound difference makes it a very colorful cymbal. As for china, I wanted something that was breakthrough that would sound in the set and disappear right away. ICE 16“ China is exactly that. And ICE Lightning 18“ Crash got me with its hard trash sound, which is just between crash and china. All these cymbals in combination create a spectrum of various sounds and you don’t just get bored.
How do you choose cymbals for live performance and how do you choose for the studio?
As for the studio, probably according to the song itself. What fits and what it needs. But in general, I’m for thinner cymbals in the studio. At concerts, it depends on the event. If it’s a club, then something medium. A small sizes will disappear on large stages, so bigger ones there for me.
Which of your song do you enjoy the most from behind the drums and why?
With Beans & Bullets probably Man of Steel. At Allan’s, we played Vysnívané blues (Dream Blues), so it would probably be that.
Guitarist like to brag about effect pedals, what would you brag about from your gear?
I like the 13×6.5″ steel snare that I have. Unfortunately, it can’t be used everywhere, so I have it as a side snare. Otherwise I use 14×8“ steel snare.
Do you have or did you have a drummer role model?
My biggest role models are Eric Singer and Chad Szeliga. Apart from them, I was quite influenced by Ian Paice, Randy Castillo, Mike Portnoy, John Bonham.
Do you have any dream piece of equipment?
I always wanted a ramp and so I bought it. But it’s not very practical because I often pack my drums, so in the end I don’t even use it much.
Dispute: do you play the small drum over the rim or directly on the membrane?
As the situation requires, but in general, mostly rimshots.