“The first is style, always what style of music I play,” explains Dominik Reissaus, drummer of Loco Loco, Petr Kolář and Olga Lounová, according to which cymbals he chooses

Home | Blog | “The first is style, always what style of music I play,” explains Dominik Reissaus, drummer of Loco Loco, Petr Kolář and Olga Lounová, according to which cymbals he chooses
“The first is style, always what style of music I play,” explains Dominik Reissaus, drummer of Loco Loco, Petr Kolář and Olga Lounová, according to which cymbals he chooses
2. November 2021 / Jarda Sivák / Interviews

He grew up on KISS, AC / DC or Def Leppard. It was shaped by Miloš Meier. Today he drums with Olga Lounová, Petr Kolář and Loco Loco and he has already managed to get his dream gear. How did he become a member of the TRX family and who is his drum model? We asked in an interview.

How did you get into the drumming?

My uncle plays guitar in a band. He played me various bands since I was little, AC / DC, KISS, Def Leppard and many others. I watched the drummers the most and I really liked it. At the age of 14 I got my first Amati set, started going to ZUŠ (art school), then private lessons with Miloš Meier and finally went to conservatory.

How long did it take you start drumming for Petru Kolář and what was before that?

I’ve been playing with Loco Loco for 8 years. Then Olga Lounová. I’ve been touring with her for 5 years. And 3 years ago I started playing with Petr Kolář.

In which bands do you still play?

Currently 3.

How did you learn about TRX cymbals?

First I saw a drummer’s friend playing on them. Then I contacted Jaroušek (Jarda Sivák, CEO of TRXCymbals.cz – editor’s note) and it was decided!

What you enjoy about TRX cymbals?

The sound and quality of TRX are comparable to other brands I’ve used before or had the opportunity to try.

How do you choose cymbals for live performance and how do you choose for the studio?

The first is style, always what style of music I play. Everything derives from this – the size of the cymbals, the hardness of the cymbals, the adjustment of the inclination of the cymbals, etc. The same applies to the drums.

Which of your song do you enjoy the most from behind the drums and why?

I probably don’t have a song that I would like more then others. I enjoy playing everything. It’s always about the mood, sometimes I like the “rim over the rim”, other times I feel like playing in a club.

Guitarist like to brag about effect pedals, what would you brag about from your gear?

I’m glad I managed to own and play my favorite drum brand Sonor, the Prolite line. This is a dream come true. And of course TRX cymbals.

Do you have or did you have a drummer role model?

I have a lot of drummer role models: Eric Singer, Chris Slade, Christoph Schneider, Thomas Lang, Anika Nilles, Mikkey Dee.

Do you have any dream piece of equipment?

So far, I have managed to play or atleast borrow to play everything I have ever wanted.

Dispute: do you play the small drum over the rim or directly on the membrane?

It’s always about what band, what style I play with and what environment I’m play in.